Monday, April 29, 2013

Starting again, all bees dead

Four hives dismantled, cleaned and tested.  Six hives contained dead bees that were in a bundle, suggesting they had frozen to death. Ample food remained in most hives. The exceptions were one hive that was still occupied by a plump mouse.  Another hive was probably home to spiders,  only piles of bees wings remained and many webs, but no spiders seen.  All eight hives were dismantled and quick lime was worked into the soil at their location.   This year the the new hives were relocated.

 Only the two hives with the least objectionable microbial counts were used. The UV was not as effective as expected, probably due to missed spots.

This yeast was most abundant on a blood agar plate specific for Strep.
No id attempted on the fungi.

Monday, April 1, 2013

long winter

two hives checked and bees frozen,  6 more hives to go.  Will check them today 04/01/2013