Monday, July 8, 2013

lost a swarm July 7 2013

 The bees had not produced much honey when we checked probably because of rain almost every day so I did not examine the hives carefully.  If I had, I may have seen evidence of this unanticipated swarm.   When the  weather  improved they were busy foraging. Raspberries and honey locust were always full of bees.  They seem to totally ignore most other blossoms including  the abundant "daisy flea bane" that attracts a tiny iridescent hovering bee.  
This large swarm in a walnut tree was first noticed in the late morning.  Empty hives were arranged near the tree that they totally ignored.

 The hive left in less than an hour after we noticed it.
 By the time we  suited up, they were totally gone.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Bee Mites Suppress Bee Immunity, Open Door For Viruses And Bacteria

Bee Mites Suppress Bee Immunity, Open Door For Viruses And Bacteria

Thursday, June 6, 2013

sick bees

 The record rain and cool weather has been especially hard on one hive.  The stains were scrubbed with hydrogen peroxide.  The entrance reducer was removed and compared to a similar entrance reducer from a distant hive by culture.    
After 5 days only one fecal stain was seen suggesting the problem is reduced.

plants and progeny

Close to record rainfall for this area has allowed a diversity of plants, all are native, except this mustard.   Thousands of toad tadpoles are hatching,  some may be from the few tree frogs. 

congratulations tiffany

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Orioles eating honey

 The bees installed in the rain are doing better than the other two hives.  Many frames were missing or crooked so the bees made an excess of bur comb. This was removed,  with some honey.  The honey had a delicate flavor, enough to make me reconsider seeding field in front of this hive with buckwheat to produce dark honey.  But, this is a borderline fertility area, acidic and damp. Buckwheat is tough and grows well here with no fertilizer, lime or chemicals of any sort.

Some of the honey was put in an orange and Orioles were so attracted to it  that they forgot their usual skittishness, allowing a few pictures.
Missing hive tools never found.   

Tonight went to the local bee group meeting about splits, something I hope to try.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


 I installed a new queen and entourage 5/8 in this unpainted hive in pouring rain and cold.   The bees got into my suit and hood but did not sting, maybe they were just happy to get out of the weather. These are unusually docile bees, from a different source.
I left my new frame cleaning tool is inside the hive when I used it to remove the plug from the queen cage.    I don't want to disturb the bees just to retrieve it. So, I am back to cleaning old frames with a knife.
Hilary installed  two packages in the painted hives.   They are thriving and returning to the hives  laden with pollen from unknown sources.

Each active hive is next to an empty hive, ready in anticipation of swarming. Last year we captured swarms in  hastily assembled "hives",  gave some away and some went wild.

 The hive on the left is the most active, hive made by Tom Kendhammer. He used thicker wood and it is better construction than commercial hives giving bees more protection.  

The picture below is  the start of the Vue's wonderful garden,  a lot of garlic.  The well head is  also pictured . I  cleaned around the well to divert run off and protect it since it is pristine water and we hope to keep it that way.  

Monday, April 29, 2013

Starting again, all bees dead

Four hives dismantled, cleaned and tested.  Six hives contained dead bees that were in a bundle, suggesting they had frozen to death. Ample food remained in most hives. The exceptions were one hive that was still occupied by a plump mouse.  Another hive was probably home to spiders,  only piles of bees wings remained and many webs, but no spiders seen.  All eight hives were dismantled and quick lime was worked into the soil at their location.   This year the the new hives were relocated.

 Only the two hives with the least objectionable microbial counts were used. The UV was not as effective as expected, probably due to missed spots.

This yeast was most abundant on a blood agar plate specific for Strep.
No id attempted on the fungi.

Monday, April 1, 2013

long winter

two hives checked and bees frozen,  6 more hives to go.  Will check them today 04/01/2013